
Dee Lestari is one of the most popular fiction writers in Indonesia. She is known for the successful science fiction series Supernova. Dee has also written collections of short stories such as Filosofi Kopi, Rectoverso, and Madre, as well as novels like Perahu Kertas and Aroma Karsa, along with several other nonfiction works. For two consecutive years, Dee has won the Favorite Fiction Book and Favorite Writer awards at Anugerah Pembaca Indonesia. She has also twice been awarded Book of the Year for Inteligensi Embun Pagi and Aroma Karsa. Her latest trilogy, Rapijali, which blends themes of music, friendship, and family, has become a bestseller. Dee's books have been widely adapted into films and have achieved national box office success. She remains active in the music industry as a singer and songwriter for many prominent Indonesian artists. This year, she was appointed as one of the curators for the Emerging Writers program at the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2024.

Dee Lestari adalah salah satu penulis fiksi terpopuler di Indonesia. Ia dikenal dengan serial fiksi ilmiah Supernova yang sukses di pasaran. Dee juga menulis kumpulan cerpen Filosofi Kopi, Rectoverso, dan Madre, novel Perahu Kertas dan Aroma Karsa, dan beberapa karya nonfiksi lainnya. Dua tahun berturut-turut Dee menerima penghargaan Buku Fiksi Favorit Pembaca dan Penulis Favorit Pembaca di ajang Anugerah Pembaca Indonesia. Dee juga telah dua kali dianugerahi penghargaan Book of the Year untuk buku Inteligensi Embun Pagi dan Aroma Karsa. Trilogi terbarunya, Rapijali, yang merupakan perpaduan tema musik, persahabatan, dan keluarga, kembali menjadi buku terlaris. Buku-buku Dee telah banyak difilmkan dan menjadi box office nasional. Ia pun masih aktif berkarier musik sebagai penyanyi dan penulis lagu bagi banyak penyanyi ternama Indonesia. Tahun ini, ia ditunjuk sebagai salah satu kurator untuk program Emerging Writers Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2024.

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