Geger Riyanto is an Indonesian anthropologist who studies indigeneity, intergroup relationships, and resource frontiers. His research primarily focuses on eastern Indonesia, and he has a long history of working in the Maluku region. He is a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology at Universitas Indonesia and a fellow at the Asia Research Centre. In addition to publishing academic works, he frequently writes commentaries on social and political issues. He received the Frobenius Institute's 2023 award for the best ethnological dissertation in German-speaking countries.
Geger Riyanto adalah antropolog Indonesia yang mendalami kajian indigenitas, hubungan antarkelompok, dan resource frontiers. Riset-risetnya berfokus di Indonesia timur dan ia memiliki riwayat panjang bekerja di wilayah Maluku. Geger adalah dosen di Departemen Antropologi Universitas Indonesia dan anggota Asia Research Centre. Selain mempublikasikan karya-karya akademik, ia sering menuliskan komentar untuk isu-isu sosial dan politik. Pada tahun 2023, ia menerima penghargaan disertasi terbaik di negara-negara berbahasa Jerman dari Frobenius Institute.