Joe Rosenberg is a soprano saxophonist and composer. His music is guided by three key principles: rhythm is the essential element of all music, music is found not just in the notes but in the silence between them, and harmony is about everyone contributing to a unified, continuous narrative. Joe has performed with renowned artists such as Buddy Collette, Dewey Redman, Gary Foster, Mark Helias, Tom Rainey, Junko Inishi, Taylor Ho Bynum, Masako Hamamura, Edward Perraud, Arnault Cuisinier, Bruno Angelini, Didier Petit, and Frederic Blondy. He studied with legendary figures Joe Viola, Buddy Collette, and clarinetist John Carter, and he received a Jazz Performance fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts in 1995.
Joe Rosenberg adalah seorang pemain saksofon soprano dan komposer. Musik-musiknya dipandu oleh tiga prinsip kunci, yakni bahwa ritme adalah elemen esensial dari semua musik, musik ditemukan tidak hanya pada nada tetapi juga pada keheningan di antara nada-nada tersebut, dan harmoni adalah tentang setiap orang berkontribusi terhadap narasi yang bersatu padu. Joe telah tampil bersama seniman-seniman ternama seperti Buddy Collette, Dewey Redman, Gary Foster, Mark Helias, Tom Rainey, Junko Inishi, Taylor Ho Bynum, Masako Hamamura, Edward Perraud, Arnault Cuisinier, Bruno Angelini, Didier Petit, dan Frederic Blondy. Ia juga belajar dari tokoh-tokoh legendaris seperti Joe Viola, Buddy Collette, dan pemain klarinet John Carter, serta menerima Jazz Performance Fellowship dari National Endowment for the Arts pada tahun 1995.